
Aquaponics vs Hydroponics: Which One Is Best For You?

Aquaponics involves growing fishes and plants together within the same environment, which is considered to be a sustainable process. On…

4 years ago

Cleaning and Disinfection to Prevent Spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

In recent weeks, COVID-19 (a disease within the Coronavirus family) has been spreading at an increasing rate throughout the United…

4 years ago

Municipal Water: How it Works, Treatment, & Applications

Municipal water is what many people refer to as tap water. In most locations throughout the country, municipal water is…

4 years ago

Aeration Systems for Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater aeration is a process that occurs when air is added directly to wastewater, which allows for aerobic bio-degradation of…

4 years ago

What is Stormwater and Why Is It Important?

Stormwater is any kind of water that comes from ice or snow melt as well as standard precipitation. This water…

4 years ago

Free Chlorine vs Total Chlorine: What’s the Difference?

Chlorine is a standard chemical element that's oftentimes used to provide people all over the world with clean drinking water.…

4 years ago

How Does Groundwater Become Contaminated?

Groundwater refers to any water that's found underground within the many spaces and cracks in landscapes of rock, soil, and…

4 years ago

Water Quality Association: Programs, Resources, and Services

The quality of water is important in any environment because animals and humans require water to live while plants and…

4 years ago

Does UV Light Kill Mold?

Ultraviolet light is a kind of electromagnetic radiation that comes from many different sources, the primary of which is the…

4 years ago

How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent Pool Algae

Algae is a unique plant form that's comprised of a single cell. It uses the process of photosynthesis to create…

4 years ago