
Legionella Bacteria: Catalase Positive Characteristics and the Role of pH Sensors

Legionella pneumophila, commonly called Legionella, is a Gram-negative bacterium responsible for causing Legionnaires' disease, a severe form of pneumonia. Since…

8 months ago

The Lifeline of Sealife: The Importance of Dissolved Oxygen in Aquaculture

The only way that fish and shellfish can survive in the water is by consuming dissolved oxygen, which gives them…

12 months ago

Aquarium Water pH Maintenance

Water quality is often measured with the pH term, which means "power of hydrogen". The water's pH refers to the…

1 year ago

Understanding Aquaculture and its role in our Industry

Among the most popular types of farming is aquaculture, which involves farming various types of seafood. Businesses that specialize in…

2 years ago

What is Acidic Water and What Are the Primary Treatment Options?

Regardless of the source that a sample of water comes from, water can be acidic, alkaline, or neutral. Acidic water…

3 years ago

Treating Your Well Water with Shock Chlorination Treatment

If you live in a more rural location, you may have access to well water, which comes directly from a…

3 years ago

Understanding Water Purification Methods

When you want to make water clean enough to drink or use in different industrial processes, there are a couple…

3 years ago

Water Softener Regeneration: Process & Timing

When water contains high levels of mineral content, it's referred to as hard water. It's common for water hardness to…

3 years ago

Ensuring a Safe Environment for Transporting Fish & Marine Life

When you're moving to a new location, organizing every facet of the move is almost assuredly going to be time-consuming.…

3 years ago

The Concern For Total Dissolved Solids in Water and How To Measure It

When you want to identify the quality of water, it's common for the amount of total dissolved solids in the…

3 years ago