Swimming Pool & Spa

How to Balance Pool Water with Chemical Feed Pumps and pH Electrodes

Maintaining a pristine pool or spa isn't just about crystal-clear water and inviting temperatures; it's about creating a safe and…

2 months ago

Preparing for the 2024 Pool Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning, pH, and ORP

As the temperatures rise and the promise of lazy summer afternoons beckons, pool owners eagerly anticipate the joy of refreshing…

3 months ago

End of Season Pool Care and Sensor Maintenance: A Comprehensive Guide

As the warm summer days gradually give way to the crisp embrace of fall, pool owners face the annual ritual…

10 months ago

Perfecting Chlorine Levels with the Power of ORP

If you have an in-ground or above-ground pool, one chemical that you may be familiar with is chlorine. When you…

12 months ago

Dive into Summer with Confidence: The Ultimate Guide to Pool Setup Chemicals

Whether you have just purchased a new pool or are getting ready to fill your pool for the first time…

1 year ago

Beyond Basic Pool Chemistry: The Importance of Borates and pH Monitoring

If you have a pool on your property, you must take specific steps to keep the water clean and free…

1 year ago

4 häufige Fehler bei der Poolüberwachung (und wie man sie vermeidet)

Wir von Sensorex helfen Schwimmbadbesitzern und -betreibern schon seit langem, ihr Wasser sicher und sauber zu halten. Wenn es um…

1 year ago

How to Calculate the Chemicals Needed for Your Pool

No matter the type of pool you have in your backyard, it's essential that you properly maintain the water quality…

3 years ago

Why You Should Consider a Natural Swimming Pool

Swimming pools are the perfect amenities to have installed in your home. They can provide you and your family with…

4 years ago

Keep your Pool Cool This Summer with a Pool Aerator

For many homeowners, swimming in their pool during the summer is a great way to keep cool. However, finding a…

4 years ago