Conductivity (EC)
Our extensive line of conductivity and TDS products provide options for almost any application.
Popular ProductsSensorex Conductivity Best Sellers
TCS3020 – General Purpose Noryl Toroidal Conductivity Sensor
Sensorex's TCS3020 General Purpose Noryl Toroidal Conductivity Sensor is designed to be resistant to corrosion, coating, and fouling. Sensor measures…
ITCS3020 – Smart General Purpose Noryl Toroidal Conductivity Sensor
Sensorex's ITCS3020 Smart General Purpose Noryl Toroidal Conductivity Sensor communicates directly via 4-20mA or Modbus output. Configuration and calibration done…
CS8400 Smart Modular Process Conductivity Sensor
Our modular system lets you quickly swap out sensor modules on the installation mounting and cable of your choice. Select…
CX2000 – Conductivity Transmitter/Controller
Our CX2000 is a fully-featured conductivity controller and 4-20mA transmitter for reading contacting conductivity sensors and programming process control. Set points…
TCSTX – Conductivity Transmitter with Local Display, Toroidal
_______________________________________ Our TCSTX online toroidal conductivity meter and 4-20mA transmitter is built for water treatment monitoring in aggressive chemical and…
CS150 – Graphite Contacting Conductivity Sensor, 12 mm
Used for Laboratory and Light Industrial Applications: Cells are made from graphite to provide good performance for the value. Choose…
Sensorex Smart Sensor User Interface Software
Sensorex Smart Sensor User Interface Software is the perfect partner for your Sensorex Smart Probe or Smart Probe modular system.…
TCSP3020 and TCSP3021 – PEEK Toroidal Conductivity Sensor
The Sensorex TCSP toroidal (inductive) conductivity sensors feature a wide measurement range and dependable toroidal technology over the range 0-2000…
What is Conductivity?
Conductivity is an expression of the ability of a solution to conduct electric current. It is expressed as a microsiemen (micro-Siemens per centimeter or µS/cm) or in higher conductivity levels as a millisiemen. It is also the reciprocal of resistivity.
Some industries such as water treatment have adopted a measurement expressed as TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). TDS is approximated with conductivity using a multiple factor and is expressed in parts per million (ppm).

Preparing chemical solutions?
Visit our pH calculator first.
Custom Conductivity / TDS Sensor Design & Manufacturing
Designing a new water treatment product? We can help. Sensorex specializes in the design and manufacture of custom water analysis sensors for our OEM partners. Collaborate with our expert team of engineers and chemists to design a conductivity sensor that meets the needs of your system. Body size and shape, materials of construction, measurement range, cable length, connector type and other features can be adjusted to fit your application requirements.
Shop nowMore from Sensorex
In addition to Conductivity sensors we have a full range of water quality sensors.
If you need help selecting the right sensor for your application drop us a message.