
Navigating Water Safety in Hospitals through Brine Monitoring for Chlorine Disinfection

Water disinfection is critical to maintaining a safe and healthy environment within hospital facilities. As guardians of public health, hospitals…

5 months ago

Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) – a challenging balancing act

Performing chemical disinfection in water often causes disinfectant byproducts (DBPs) to form. For instance, placing chlorine in the water to…

11 months ago

Storm Water Management and Disinfection With UV

When it rains, the water created from the storm can pick up many different contaminants that need to be filtered…

1 year ago

The Value of Chlorine Dioxide as a Disinfectant

If you work in an industry that requires water treatment for any number of processes and applications, it's important to…

3 years ago

How to Safely Add Muriatic Acid To Your Pool

Muriatic acid is a somewhat diluted version of hydrochloric acid. As with most other forms of acid, muriatic acid is…

4 years ago

Cleaning and Disinfection to Prevent Spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

In recent weeks, COVID-19 (a disease within the Coronavirus family) has been spreading at an increasing rate throughout the United…

4 years ago