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EM800 and EM801 – Output Amplifier Modules for S8000 Series pH/ORP Sensors


EM800 and EM801 - Output Amplifier Modules for S8000 Series pH/ORP Sensors

Parameters & Applications

Product Information

For S8000 Modular pH and ORP applications which require more than a direct electrode output, plug-in electronic output modules are available.

The EM800 is a unity gain amplifier module, allows users to send a signal up to 1000 feet remotely from the electrode to the transmitter or controller.

The Model EM801 is a differential amplifier that when used with the EA899TC provides solution ground to ensure accuracy and stability in which the ground potential of the liquid is elevated (ground loop).
NOTE: do not use the EM801 with the EA891 or EA899 without ATC.


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Now Available with optional MODBUS/RS485 Interface

For S8000 Modular pH, ORP and Contacting Conductivity applications which require more than a direct electrode output, plug-in electronic modules are available. Simply select the parameter type and desired amplifier/output.

  • Input Voltage Options:
    • 12V DC – MODBUS only
    • 24V DC – 4-20mA & MODBUS

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Additional information

Weight 0.36 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 2 × 2 in
Electronic Output Module

Unity Gain Amplifier, Differential Amplifier

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